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BGRS-SB-2012 - 8th International Conference on the Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology
The Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Novosibirsk, Russia, will arrange the 8th International Conference on the Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology (BGRS\SB-2012). These regular conferences have been run since 1998. The young scientists' school “Bioinformatics and Systems Biology” will be arranged as part of the conference.
Bioinformatics is a rapidly developing field of knowledge. Each of the past BGRS conferences concerned topics urgent at those times. To preserve this tradition, the BGRS-2012 conference will be dedicated to bioinformatics and systems biology.
The principal task of systems biology is integrated experimental and computer-assisted investigation of regularities in the organization and functions of biologic systems at the molecular, cell, tissue, organ, and body levels on the base of the information encoded in genomes.
Important sources of experimental data for systems biology are efficient technologies: high-throughput parallel sequencing of genomic DNA and analysis of its populational and evolutionary variability, analysis of the expression of genes and gene sets, structural and functional investigation of proteins and metabolites by methods of proteomics and mass spectrometry, study of the structures and functions of biologic objects (biomolecules, chromosomes, cells, tissues, organs, and organisms) by up-to-date microscopic methods and intravital tomography of laboratory animals, and construction of molecular systems by gene engineering methods.
Bioinformatics methods are important for systems biology. They allow accumulation and consolidation of experimental data, computer-assisted analysis, and mathematical modeling of the structures, functions, and evolution of living systems. High-throughput (supercomputer-assisted and distributed) computation plays a great role in bioinformatics.
Systems biology follows physics in that comprehensive theoretical and computerized analysis of systems and processes under study is essential for the design and interpretation of an experiment. For this reason, much attention will be placed on studies based on the integration of experimental and computer-assisted approaches.
Here are the fields of bioinformatics and systems biology on which the conference will be focused:
Computer-assisted genomics, transcriptomics, and chromosomics. Genome-wide sequencing and personal genomes. Spatial organization of genetic material in cells.
Assembling algorithms. Annotation of genomes and metagenomes.
GWAS, associative criteria, and analysis of polymorphisms.
Bioinformatics of complex quantitative traits.
Bioinformatics and structural biology. Molecular dynamics of biomolecules and supramolecular complexes.
Bioinformatics and search for new pharmacological targets.
Reconstruction and modeling of gene networks.
Metabolism engineering and bioinformatics.
Synthetic computer biology and experimental design of artificial molecular systems.
Evolutionary bioinformatics.
Bioinformatics of the nervous system and the brain.
Bioinformatics of morphogenesis.
Bioinformatics of stem cells and epigenomics.
Supercomputer-assisted and distributed computation in bioinformatics.
Data consolidation and automated data mining in publications and databases.
Recent achievements in these fields will be reported. The conference will include plenary, panel, and roundtable sessions. As before, the program will be made with regard to proposals from participants, who are encouraged to apply for organization of panels. Heads of panels will participate in the conference on special terms.
You are invited to participate in the Eighth International Conference Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology (BGRS\SB-2012).