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Scientific News

Proposing a new drug to treat tuberculosis utilizing state-of-the-art computer simulations

Research team lead by Toyohashi University of Technology have proposed a new drug to treat tuberculosis. This drug may inhibit the cell division of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) and suppress its growth. In addition, because this drug acts on the enzymes secreted by M. tuberculosis, M. tuberculosis has very little chance of mutation and develops no drug resistance. Therefore, it's expected this drug will lead to a novel drug that will keep its effectiveness.




ISAAA Brief 55 – Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops for 2019

ISAAA Brief 55 – Biotech Crops Drive Socio-Economic Development and Sustainable Environment in the New Frontier
Socio-economic benefits of biotech crops have been documented in the last 23 years (1996-2018) showing that biotech crops have contributed to:
∙ increasing productivity that contributes to global food, feed, and fiber security;
∙ supporting self-sufficiency on a nation’s arable land;
∙ conserving biodiversity, precluding deforestation and protecting biodiversity sanctuaries;
∙ mitigating the challenges associated with climate change; and
∙ improving economic, health, and social benefits.




EPSO: Court of Justice of the EU ruling regarding mutagenesis and the GMO Directive, first reaction

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EPSO: Court of Justice of the EU ruling regarding mutagenesis and the GMO Directive, first reaction in which European Plant Scientists express their disappointment on the ruling which classifies plants obtained by recent techniques such as CRISPR-Cas9-mediated genome editing as GMO that are subject to extensive pre-market risk evaluations. It is contrary to scientific evidence and as it stands now, it very likely will prevent the use in Europe of such technologies to address food and nutritional security and a more positive impact of agriculture on the environment. EPSO offers to collaborate with policy makers to develop an appropriate regulation addressing the issue of product of NBTs differs from those achieved with other breeding approaches to balance potential benefits and risks.

Court decision .



Crop Biotech Update Special Edition (February 13, 2014)

BEIJING (Feb. 13, 2014) — The International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA) today released a report which indicates more than 18 million farmers in 27 countries planted biotech crops in 2013, reflecting a five million, or three percent, increase in global biotech crop hectarage. 2013 also marks the first-ever commercial plantings of drought-tolerant biotech maize in the United States.
