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20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition - Setting the course for a biobased economy
Biomass is a raw material with a multitude of applications, suitable to replace fossil resources, for use both as an energy source as well as for material utilization.
For a sustainable energy supply, biomass is indispensable; but it is also limited, is not sufficient for all applications, and it ranks in priority after food and feed.
Biomass technology has changed from an ancient but newly discovered technology to a serious, modern form of supply for the society of today and tomorrow, a key element of sustainability and a significant economic factor.
Thus the tasks of the biomass community include finding solutions to overcome the competition between the different methods of utilization, identifying conversion paths with the highest degree of sustainability and bringing together bioenergy concepts with other renewable energies. These tasks, in their full spectrum, also will be reflected in the 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition and its motto: “Setting the course for a biobased economy”.
The variety of topics linked to these tasks is manifold, leading to the horizontal approach of the Conference, which is typical for the biomass sector and essential for finding concepts with a holistic background. Nevertheless the problems to be solved need highly sophisticated approaches. This evokes the need for dedicated events with a high degree of thematical profundity. This is the reason why we decided to complement the proven horizontal concept of the Conference with new vertically-oriented elements dedicated to the following topics: “Biogas Upgrading and Grid Injection”, “Biogas goes Europe”, “Biowaste to Energy” and “Bioenergy in Smart Grids”.
With this “Conference-in-Conference” concept, we enable the delegates to gather information on a special topic presented by selected experts in a very condensed form and discuss such with the essential stakeholders during the course of only one day.
It is our great pleasure to welcome the global biomass community in June 2012 to the marvelous City of Milan, which is the capital of Lombardy, the heart of Italy’s bioenergy industry. The city will also host the World Expo 2015 with the theme: “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”, that obviously brings our challenge to the point and will mobilize the region’s efforts towards achieving our targets. I look forward to welcoming you to the 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition from 18th - 22nd June 2012. Let us face the challenge and confront together one of the greatest tasks of our century: the transformation towards sustainability. Let us together set the course for a biobased economy!
The deadline for the submission of abstracts was 30th January 2012.
If you are interested to submit a Late Abstract, please send by email a copy of your abstract preferably as *.pdf file to: