Opening of the XIII All-Ukrainian Science Festival on May 16, 2019 at the Ye.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


At the exhibition of the Festival the developmets of the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics, NAS of Ukraine, were presented: "Technologies for the production of liquid biofuels from renewable raw materials" and "Preparation of low-fat lecithin and essential phospholipids of sunflower".





On May 16, 2019 the finale of Intellectual Property Marathon took place in the framework of the All-Ukrainian Innovation Festival

uchastnikiThe Marathon was organized by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine and the State organization "National Office of Intellectual Property" with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information.

Participants of the IP-Marathon competition elaborated commercialization projects for the developments on the basis of intellectual property objects.
The projects were presented in the form of a "pitch" - a presentation of up to 300 seconds that reveals the essence of the business idea, its features and attractiveness for investors. Preparations for participation in the IP-Marathon took place within the Training on Intellectual Property, Technology Transfer and Innovation Management, and the best developments of the participants were worked out together with experienced mentors.

Tetiana Ivanova represented the development of the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics of the NAS of Ukraine: "Utilization of Bread and Alcohol Wastes by Cultivation of Medicinal Mushrooms", received a Certificate of the IP-Marathon participant and a Certificate to winner in the competition of innovative start-up projects by Igor Kyrylchuk, the National UNIDO / GEF "Global CleanTech Innovation Program for Small and Medium Enterprises in Ukraine" Project Coordinator.




Our institution participated in the exhibition-presentation of scientific and technical developments of the institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

On December 6, 2018, the exhibition-presentation of scientific and technical developments of the institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was held at the Exposition Center "Science" of the NAS of Ukraine, timed to the 100th anniversary of the Academy. Within the framework of the event, 70 academic institutions presented over 600 scientific achievements in a wide range of fields. Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics presented its developments "Technologies for the production of liquid biofuels from renewable raw materials" as well as "Preparation of low-fat lecithin and essential phospholipids of sunflower".


U.S.-Ukraine Foundation awarded Olena Tigunova and Tetiana Ivanova as Ukrainian young leaders in biotechnology

On November, 12th 24 emerging leaders under 40 conducting research in the biotechnology sector in Ukraine awarded certificates as well as travel and research grants totaling $60,000. The Biotech Initiative of Foundation will assist promising start-ups and help young leaders to learn the management techniques necessary to transition their research into viable commercial endeavors. This project has been made possible through the support of Irene K. Joseph, co-founder of the biotechnology company Cygnus Technologies.

Helen Tigunova

Tеtiana Ivanova



EPSO: Court of Justice of the EU ruling regarding mutagenesis and the GMO Directive, first reaction

EPSO logo

EPSO: Court of Justice of the EU ruling regarding mutagenesis and the GMO Directive, first reaction in which European Plant Scientists express their disappointment on the ruling which classifies plants obtained by recent techniques such as CRISPR-Cas9-mediated genome editing as GMO that are subject to extensive pre-market risk evaluations. It is contrary to scientific evidence and as it stands now, it very likely will prevent the use in Europe of such technologies to address food and nutritional security and a more positive impact of agriculture on the environment. EPSO offers to collaborate with policy makers to develop an appropriate regulation addressing the issue of product of NBTs differs from those achieved with other breeding approaches to balance potential benefits and risks.

Court decision .



Third Сonference for Young Scientists "Plant Biology and Biotechnology"

Dear colleagues!
We are glad to welcome You to participate in the Third Сonference for Young Scientists "Plant Biology and Biotechnology" which will take place May, 16-18, 2017 in the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine).
All the information about the Conference You can find in the attached files. We will appreciate spreading the information about the Conference to all the interested persons.
Looking forward to meet You at the Conference! With best regards, the Organizing committee.

4th International Fascination of Plants Day 2017

4th International Fascination of Plants Day 2017   Science Days Spring 2017

4th International Fascination of Plants Day (FoPD)May 18, 2017 traditional volunteer educational event celebrated in Ukraine and in the world every two years under the umbrella of the European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO). This year's many events will be held in different regions of Ukraine during May together with the initiative of young researchers of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine called "Days of Science" on May 20-21.
We are pleased to notify that in 2015 Ukraine was the second country in the world taking into account the number of events organized in frames of FoPD. Official website of Ukraine at EPSO You can find here: You could read about the success of the "Days of Science" in Ukraine on our website:

First infoleter .doc Registration form ukr .doc Registration form eng .doc

About the institute

Main research topics :

  • study of molecular biology and cell-biological mechanisms of vital activity of plant cells on the basis of structural and functional genomics, bioinformatics of plants, structural biology and molecular genetics;
  • development of new molecular biotechnology and nanobiotechnology plant and procaryotic systems;
  • development of scientific principles of resource saving technologies of processing agricultural raw materials, obtaining new types of foods and getting biofuels from biomass;
  • development of biotechnologies of foods, their components and biologically active components, molecular genetic and biochemical methods of pest, medical and biological control of food raw materials, food additives, food and feed and scientific basis for biosafety;

The Institute is headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Acad. NAS of Ukraine Ya.B. Blume.

IFBG has four academic departments, consisting of - five laboratories and all-institute units.



Recent publications

  • Krasylenko Yu., Yemets A., Sheremet Ya., Blume Ya. B. (2012) Nitric oxide as a critical factor for perception of UV-B irradiation by microtubules in Arabidopsis. Physiol. Plant., (doi: 10.1111/j.1399-3054.2011.01530.x)
  • Sheremet Ya.A., Yemets A.I., Azmi A., Vissenberg K., Verbelen J.-P., Blume Ya.B. (2012) Effect od serine/threonine protein kinases and protein phosphatases on mitosis progression of synchronized culture of tobacco BY-2. Cytol. Genetics, 46(2), pp. 3–11.
  • Sheremet Ya. A., Yemets A. I., Blume Ya. B.(2012) Inhibitors of tyrosine kinases and phosphatases as a tool for the investigation of microtubule role in plant cold response. Cytol. Genetics, 46(1), pp. 1–8.
  • Burlaka О.М., Pirko Ya.V., Yemets A. I., Blume Ya. B. (2011) Carbon nanotubes and their usage for plant genetic transformation. Material Science of Nanostructures, N2, p. 84-101. (in Ukr.)
  • Britsun V.N., Kаrpov P.А., Yemets А.I., Lozinskii M.О., Blume Ya.B. (2011) Antituberculosis properties of imidazole and benzimidazole derivatives. J. Org. Pharm. Chem., v. 9, N 3(35), p. 3-14. ( (in Russ.).
  • Demchuk O., Karpov P., Raspor P., Blume Ya. Molecular modelling of FtsZ proteins based on their homology in Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium tuberculosis as the key stage of rational design of new antituberculous compounds. Acta Biologica Slovenica, 2011, 54 (2), P. 13-29.
  • Karelov A.V., Pirko Ya.V., Kozub N.A, Sozinov I.A., Pirko N.N., Litvinenko N.A., Lyfenko S.F., Koliuchiy V.T., Blume Ya.B., Sozinov A.A. (2011) Identification of the allelic state resistance gene Lr34 to leaf rust in cultivars of soft winter wheat Ukrainian breedings. Cytol. Genetics, v.45, N5, p. 271-276 (doi: 10.3103/S0095452711050069).
  • Samofalova D. A., Karpov P.A., Nyporko A.Yu., Blume Ya.B. (2011) Reconstruction of the spatial structure of plant phosphatases types 1 and 2A in complexes with okadaic acid. Cytol.Genetics, v. 45, N 3, p. 153-162 (doi: 10.3103/S0095452711030108).
  • Yemets A.I., Krasylenko Yu.A., Lytvyn D.I., Sheremet Ya.A., Blume Ya.B. (2011) Nitric oxide signaling via cytoskeleton in plants. Plant Sci., 181(5), p. 545-554 (doi: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2011.04.017).
  • Tanasienko I.V., Yemets A.I., Pirko Y.V., Korhkovyy V.I., Abumhadi N., Blume Ya.B. (2011) Production of transgenic barley lines producing human lactoferrin using mutant alfa-tubulin gene as selective marker gene. Cytol.Genetics, v. 45, N1, 3-10 (doi: 10.3103/S0095452711010026).
  • Krasylenko Yu., Yemets A., Blume Ya. (2010) Functional role of nitric oxide in plants. Russ. J. Plant Physiol., v.57, N4, p. 451-461.
  • Blume Ya., Yemets A., Sheremet Ya., Nyporko A., Sulimenko V., Sulimenko T., Draber P. Exposure of beta-tubulin regions defined by antibodies on a Arabidopsis thaliana microtubule protofilament model and in the cells. BMC Plant Biology, 2010, v. 10:29(doi: 10.1186/1471-2229-10-29).